Function approximation

The objective of this example is to approximate a known function $f$ by a spline.

Exact function

We consider the function $f(x) = e^{-x} \cos(8πx)$ in the interval $x ∈ [0, 1]$.

using CairoMakie
CairoMakie.activate!(type = "svg")

x_interval = 0..1
f(x) = exp(-x) * cospi(8x)

fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel = "x")
lines!(ax, x_interval, f)
Example block output

Approximation space

To approximate this function using a spline, we first need to define a B-spline basis $\{ b_i \}_{i = 1}^N$ describing a spline space. The approximating spline can then be written as

\[g(x) = ∑_{i = 1}^N c_i b_i(x),\]

where the $c_i$ are the B-spline coefficients describing the spline. The objective is thus to find the coefficients $c_i$ that result in the best possible approximation of the function $f$.

Here we use splines of order $k = 4$ (polynomial degree $d = 3$, i.e. cubic splines). For simplicity, we choose the B-spline knots to be uniformly distributed.

using BSplineKit

ξs = range(x_interval; length = 15)
B = BSplineBasis(BSplineOrder(4), ξs)
17-element BSplineBasis of order 4, domain [0.0, 1.0]
 knots: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0714286, 0.142857, 0.214286, 0.285714, 0.357143, 0.428571  …  0.571429, 0.642857, 0.714286, 0.785714, 0.857143, 0.928571, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

We plot below the knots and the basis functions describing the spline space. Note that knots are represented by grey crosses.

function plot_knots!(ax, ts; ybase = 0, knot_offset = 0.03, kws...)
    ys = zero(ts) .+ ybase
    # Add offset to distinguish knots with multiplicity > 1
    if knot_offset !== nothing
        for i in eachindex(ts)[(begin + 1):end]
            if ts[i] == ts[i - 1]
                ys[i] = ys[i - 1] + knot_offset
    scatter!(ax, ts, ys; marker = '×', color = :gray, markersize = 24, kws...)

function plot_basis!(ax, B; eval_args = (), kws...)
    cmap = cgrad(:tab20)
    N = length(B)
    ts = knots(B)
    hlines!(ax, 0; color = :gray)
    for (n, bi) in enumerate(B)
        color = cmap[(n - 1) / (N - 1)]
        i, j = extrema(support(bi))
        lines!(ax, ts[i]..ts[j], x -> bi(x, eval_args...); color, linewidth = 2.5)
    plot_knots!(ax, ts; kws...)

fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; xlabel = "x", ylabel = "bᵢ(x)")
plot_basis!(ax, B; knot_offset = 0.05)
Example block output

Approximating the function

Three different methods are implemented in BSplineKit to approximate functions. In increasing order of accuracy and complexity, these are:

1. VariationDiminishing

Implements Schoenberg's variation diminishing approximation. This simply consists on estimating the spline coefficients as $c_i = f(x_i)$, where the $x_i$ are the Greville sites. These are obtained by window-averaging the B-spline knots $t_j$:

\[x_i = \frac{1}{k - 1} ∑_{j = 1}^{k - 1} t_{i + j}.\]

This approximation is expected to preserve the shape of the function. However, as shown below, it is usually very inaccurate as an actual approximation, and should only be used when a qualitative estimation of $f$ is sufficient.

S_vd = approximate(f, B, VariationDiminishing())
SplineApproximation containing the 17-element Spline{Float64}:
 basis: 17-element BSplineBasis of order 4, domain [0.0, 1.0]
 order: 4
 knots: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0714286, 0.142857, 0.214286, 0.285714, 0.357143, 0.428571  …  0.571429, 0.642857, 0.714286, 0.785714, 0.857143, 0.928571, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
 coefficients: [1.0, 0.806799, -0.207181, -0.78103, 0.50323, 0.468538, -0.630383, -0.144959, 0.606531, -0.125662, -0.473719, 0.305224, 0.284183, -0.382347, -0.087922, 0.31128, 0.367879]
 approximation method: VariationDiminishing()

2. ApproxByInterpolation

Approximates the original function by interpolating on a discrete set of interpolation points. In other words, the resulting spline exactly matches $f$ at those points.

By default, the interpolation points are chosen as the Greville sites associated to the B-spline basis (using collocation_points; see also Collocation.AvgKnots). For more control, the interpolation points may also be directly set via the ApproxByInterpolation constructor.

In the below example, we pass the B-spline basis to the ApproxByInterpolation constructor, which automatically determines the collocation points as explained above.

S_interp = approximate(f, B, ApproxByInterpolation(B))  # or simply approximate(f, B)
SplineApproximation containing the 17-element Spline{Float64}:
 basis: 17-element BSplineBasis of order 4, domain [0.0, 1.0]
 order: 4
 knots: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0714286, 0.142857, 0.214286, 0.285714, 0.357143, 0.428571  …  0.571429, 0.642857, 0.714286, 0.785714, 0.857143, 0.928571, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
 coefficients: [1.0, 1.01735, -0.423172, -1.28801, 0.889035, 0.751249, -1.0828, -0.202348, 1.02244, -0.248218, -0.783536, 0.540049, 0.454685, -0.653693, -0.133995, 0.396762, 0.367879]
 approximation method: interpolation at [0.0, 0.0238095, 0.0714286, 0.142857, 0.214286, 0.285714, 0.357143, 0.428571, 0.5, 0.571429, 0.642857, 0.714286, 0.785714, 0.857143, 0.928571, 0.97619, 1.0]

3. MinimiseL2Error

Approximates the function by minimising the $L^2$ distance between $f$ and its spline approximation $g$.

In other words, it minimises

\[\mathcal{L}[g] = {\left\lVert f - g \right\rVert}^2 = \left< f - g, f - g \right>,\]


\[\left< u, v \right> = ∫_a^b u(x) \, v(x) \, \mathrm{d}x\]

is the inner product between two functions, and $a$ and $b$ are the boundaries of the prescribed B-spline basis.

One can show that the optimal coefficients $c_i$ minimising the $L^2$ error are the solution to the linear system $\bm{M} \bm{c} = \bm{φ}$, where $M_{ij} = \left< b_i, b_j \right>$ and $φ_i = \left< b_i, f \right>$. These two terms are respectively computed by galerkin_matrix and galerkin_projection.

Indeed, this can be shown by taking the differential

\[δ\mathcal{L}[g] = \mathcal{L}[g + δg] - \mathcal{L}[g] = 2 \left< δg, g - f \right>,\]

where $δg$ is a small perturbation of the spline $g$. The optimal spline $g^*$, minimising the $L^2$ distance, is such that $δ\mathcal{L}[g^*] = 0$.

Noting that $g = c_i b_i$ (where summing is implicitly performed over repeated indices), the perturbation is given by $δg = δc_i b_i$, as the B-spline basis is assumed fixed. The optimal spline then satisfies

\[\left< b_i, g^* - f \right> δc_i = \left[ \left< b_i, b_j \right> c_j^* - \left< b_i, f \right> \right] δc_i = \left[ M_{ij} c_j^* - φ_i \right] δc_i = 0\]

for all perturbations $δ\bm{c}$, leading to the linear system stated above.

As detailed in galerkin_projection, integrals are computed via Gauss–Legendre quadratures, in a way that ensures that the result is exact when $f$ is a polynomial of degree up to $k - 1$ (or more generally, a spline belonging to the space spanned by the chosen B-spline basis).

S_minL2 = approximate(f, B, MinimiseL2Error())
SplineApproximation containing the 17-element Spline{Float64}:
 basis: 17-element BSplineBasis of order 4, domain [0.0, 1.0]
 order: 4
 knots: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0714286, 0.142857, 0.214286, 0.285714, 0.357143, 0.428571  …  0.571429, 0.642857, 0.714286, 0.785714, 0.857143, 0.928571, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
 coefficients: [0.97272, 1.0617, -0.457591, -1.31138, 0.91464, 0.769569, -1.11789, -0.20053, 1.05012, -0.259743, -0.804373, 0.560952, 0.460536, -0.66901, -0.138778, 0.409463, 0.358481]
 approximation method: MinimiseL2Error()

Method comparison

Below, the approximations using the three methods are compared to the actual function $f$.

fig = Figure(resolution = (1000, 750))
colours = theme(fig.scene).palette.color[]
style_vd = (color = colours[3], label = "Variation diminishing")
style_interp = (color = colours[2], label = "Interpolation")
style_minL2 = (color = colours[1], label = "L² minimisation")
let ax = Axis(fig[1:2, 1]; xlabel = "x", ylabel = "Approximation")
    plot_knots!(ax, knots(B); knot_offset = nothing)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, f; color = :black, linewidth = 2, label = "Original")
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> S_vd(x); style_vd...)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> S_interp(x); style_interp...)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> S_minL2(x); style_minL2...)
let ax = Axis(fig[1, 2]; ylabel = "Difference with original")
    plot_knots!(ax, knots(B); knot_offset = nothing)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> S_interp(x) - f(x); style_interp...)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> S_minL2(x) - f(x); style_minL2...)
    hidexdecorations!(ax; grid = false)
    axislegend(ax; position = :rt, orientation = :horizontal)
let ax = Axis(fig[2, 2]; xlabel = "x", ylabel = "Squared difference", yscale = log10)
    ylims!(1e-8, 1e-2)
    plot_knots!(ax, knots(B); knot_offset = nothing, ybase = 1e-6)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> abs2(S_interp(x) - f(x)); style_interp...)
    lines!(ax, x_interval, x -> abs2(S_minL2(x) - f(x)); style_minL2...)
Example block output

As seen above, the variation diminishing approximation, while capturing the shape of the original function, doesn't really provide an accurate approximation of it.

The other two methods are much more accurate. On the right half of the figure, a detailed comparison of the two is provided, by plotting the difference between each approximation and the actual $f$ function.

The interpolation method works pretty well, matching exactly the actual function at the interpolation points. Note that, in this example, most interpolation points match the spline knots. This is because we're using splines of even degree ($k = 4$) and because knots are uniformly spaced.

Nevertheless, when looking at the global error, the $L^2$ minimisation method works best, as expected. In particular, as seen above, it reduces the maximum approximation error (i.e. the $L^∞$ distance, ${\left\lVert f - g \right\rVert}_∞ = \max |f(x) - g(x)|$) compared to the interpolation approach.

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