
The performance of PencilFFTs.jl is comparable to that of other open-source parallel FFT libraries implemented in lower-level languages. Below, we show comparisons with the Fortran implementation of P3DFFT, possibly the most popular of these libraries. The benchmarks were performed on the Jean–Zay cluster of the IDRIS French computing centre (CNRS).

The figure below shows strong scaling benchmarks of 3D real-to-complex FFTs using 2D ("pencil") decomposition. The benchmarks were run for input arrays of dimensions $N_x × N_y × N_z = 512^3$, $1024^3$ and $2048^3$. Each timing is averaged over 100 repetitions.

Strong scaling of PencilFFTs

As seen above, PencilFFTs generally outperforms P3DFFT in its default setting. This is largely explained by the choice of using non-blocking point-to-point MPI communications (via MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv), while P3DFFT uses collective MPI_Alltoallv calls. This enables PencilFFTs to perform data reordering operations on the partially received data while waiting for the incoming data, leading to better performance. Moreover, in contrast with P3DFFT, the high performance and scalability of PencilFFTs results from a highly generic code, handling decompositions in arbitrary dimensions and a relatively large (and extensible) variety of transformations.

Note that PencilFFTs can optionally use collective communications (using MPI_Alltoallv) instead of point-to-point communications. For details, see the docs for PencilFFTPlan and for PencilArray transpositions. As seen above, collective communications generally perform worse than point-to-point ones, and runtimes are nearly indistinguishable from those of P3DFFT.

Benchmark details

The benchmarks were performed using Julia 1.7-beta3 and Intel MPI 2019. We used PencilFFTs v0.12.5 with FFTW.jl v1.4.3 and MPI.jl v0.19.0. We used the Fortran implementation of P3DFFT, version 2.7.6, which was built with Intel 2019 compilers and linked to FFTW 3.3.8. The cluster where the benchmarks were run has Intel Cascade Lake 6248 processors with 2×20 cores per node.

The number of MPI processes along each decomposed dimension, $P_1$ and $P_2$, was automatically determined by a call to MPI_Dims_create, which tends to create a balanced decomposition with $P_1 ≈ P_2$. For instance, a total of 1024 processes is divided into $P_1 = P_2 = 32$. Different results may be obtained with other combinations, but this was not benchmarked.

The source files used to generate this benchmark, as well as the raw benchmark results, are all available in the PencilFFTs repo.