Distributed FFT plans

Distributed FFTs are implemented in the PencilFFTs module, and are built on top of the PencilArrays package.

Creating plans

PencilFFTPlan{T,N} <: AbstractFFTs.Plan{T}

Plan for N-dimensional FFT-based transform on MPI-distributed data, where input data has type T.

PencilFFTPlan(p::Pencil, transforms; kwargs...)

Create a PencilFFTPlan for distributed arrays following a given Pencil configuration. See variant below for details on the specification of transforms and on possible keyword arguments.

    A::PencilArray, transforms;
    fftw_flags = FFTW.ESTIMATE,
    fftw_timelimit = FFTW.NO_TIMELIMIT,
    permute_dims = Val(true),
    transpose_method = Transpositions.PointToPoint(),
    timer = timer(pencil(A)),

Create plan for N-dimensional transform on MPI-distributed PencilArrays.

Extended help

This creates a PencilFFTPlan for arrays sharing the same properties as A (dimensions, MPI decomposition, memory layout, ...), which describe data on an N-dimensional domain.


The transforms to be applied along each dimension are specified by the transforms argument. Possible transforms are defined as subtypes of Transforms.AbstractTransform, and are listed in Transform types. This argument may be either:

  • a tuple of N transforms to be applied along each dimension. For instance, transforms = (Transforms.R2R(FFTW.REDFT01), Transforms.RFFT(), Transforms.FFT());

  • a single transform to be applied along all dimensions. The input is automatically expanded into N equivalent transforms. For instance, for a three-dimensional array, transforms = Transforms.RFFT() specifies a 3D real-to-complex transform, and is equivalent to passing (Transforms.RFFT(), Transforms.FFT(), Transforms.FFT()).

Note that forward transforms are applied from left to right. In the last example, this means that a real-to-complex transform (RFFT) is first performed along the first dimension. This is followed by complex-to-complex transforms (FFT) along the second and third dimensions.

Input data layout

The input PencilArray must satisfy the following constraints:

  • array dimensions must not be permuted. This is the default when constructing PencilArrays.

  • for an M-dimensional domain decomposition (with M < N), the input array must be decomposed along the last M dimensions. For example, for a 2D decomposition of 3D data, the decomposed dimensions must be (2, 3). In particular, the first array dimension must not be distributed among different MPI processes.

    In the PencilArrays package, the decomposed dimensions are specified at the moment of constructing a Pencil.

  • the element type must be compatible with the specified transform. For instance, real-to-complex transforms (Transforms.RFFT) require the input to be real floating point values. Other transforms, such as Transforms.R2R, accept both real and complex data.

Keyword arguments

  • The keyword arguments fftw_flags and fftw_timelimit are passed to the FFTW plan creation functions (see AbstractFFTs docs).

  • permute_dims determines whether the indices of the output data should be reversed. For instance, if the input data has global dimensions (Nx, Ny, Nz), then the output of a complex-to-complex FFT would have dimensions (Nz, Ny, Nx). This enables FFTs to always be performed along the first (i.e. fastest) array dimension, which could lead to performance gains. This option is enabled by default. For type inference reasons, it must be a value type (Val(true) or Val(false)).

  • transpose_method allows to select between implementations of the global data transpositions. See PencilArrays docs docs for details.

  • timer should be a TimerOutput object. See Measuring performance for details.

    dims_global::Dims{N}, transforms, proc_dims::Dims{M}, comm::MPI.Comm,
    [real_type = Float64]; extra_dims = (), kws...

Create plan for N-dimensional transform.

Extended help

Instead of taking a PencilArray or a Pencil, this constructor requires the global dimensions of the input data, passed via the size_global argument.

The data is distributed over the MPI processes in the comm communicator. The distribution is performed over M dimensions (with M < N) according to the values in proc_dims, which specifies the number of MPI processes to put along each dimension.

PencilArrays that may be transformed with the returned plan can be created using allocate_input.

Optional arguments

  • The floating point precision can be selected by setting real_type parameter, which is Float64 by default.

  • extra_dims may be used to specify the sizes of one or more extra dimensions that should not be transformed. These dimensions will be added to the rightmost (i.e. slowest) indices of the arrays. See Extra dimensions below for usage hints.

  • see the other constructor for more keyword arguments.

Extra dimensions

One possible application of extra_dims is for describing the components of a vector or tensor field. However, this means that different PencilFFTPlans would need to be created for each kind of field (scalar, vector, ...). To avoid the creation of multiple plans, a possibly better alternative is to create tuples (or arrays) of PencilArrays using allocate_input and allocate_output.

Another more legitimate usage of extra_dims is to specify one or more Cartesian dimensions that should not be transformed nor split among MPI processes.


Suppose we want to perform a 3D FFT of real data. The data is to be decomposed along two dimensions, over 8 MPI processes:

size_global = (64, 32, 128)  # size of real input data

# Perform real-to-complex transform along the first dimension, then
# complex-to-complex transforms along the other dimensions.
transforms = (Transforms.RFFT(), Transforms.FFT(), Transforms.FFT())
# transforms = Transforms.RFFT()  # this is equivalent to the above line

proc_dims = (4, 2)  # 2D decomposition

plan = PencilFFTPlan(size_global, transforms, proc_dims, comm)

Allocating data

allocate_input(p::PencilFFTPlan)          -> PencilArray
allocate_input(p::PencilFFTPlan, dims...) -> Array{PencilArray}
allocate_input(p::PencilFFTPlan, Val(N))  -> NTuple{N, PencilArray}

Allocate uninitialised PencilArray that can hold input data for the given plan.

The second and third forms respectively allocate an array of PencilArrays of size dims, and a tuple of N PencilArrays.

In-place plans

If p is an in-place real-to-real or complex-to-complex plan, a ManyPencilArray is allocated. If p is an in-place real-to-complex plan, a ManyPencilArrayRFFT! is allocated.

These types hold PencilArray wrappers for the input and output transforms (as well as for intermediate transforms) which share the same space in memory. The input and output PencilArrays should be respectively accessed by calling first(::ManyPencilArray) and last(::ManyPencilArray).


Suppose p is an in-place PencilFFTPlan. Then,

@assert is_inplace(p)
A = allocate_input(p) :: ManyPencilArray
v_in = first(A)       :: PencilArray  # input data view
v_out = last(A)       :: PencilArray  # output data view

Also note that in-place plans must be performed directly on the returned ManyPencilArray, and not on the contained PencilArray views:

p * A       # perform forward transform in-place
p \ A       # perform backward transform in-place
# p * v_in  # not allowed!!
allocate_output(p::PencilFFTPlan)          -> PencilArray
allocate_output(p::PencilFFTPlan, dims...) -> Array{PencilArray}
allocate_output(p::PencilFFTPlan, Val(N))  -> NTuple{N, PencilArray}

Allocate uninitialised PencilArray that can hold output data for the given plan.

If p is an in-place plan, a ManyPencilArray is allocated.

See allocate_input for details.




ManyPencilArrayRFFT!{T,N,M} <: AbstractManyPencilArray{N,M}

Container holding M different PencilArray views to the same underlying data buffer. All views share the same and dimensionality N. The element type T of the first view is real, that of subsequent views is Complex{T}.

This can be used to perform in-place real-to-complex plan, see alsoTransforms.RFFT!. It is used internally for such transforms by allocate_input and should not be constructed directly.

ManyPencilArrayRFFT!{T}(undef, pencils...; extra_dims=())

Create a ManyPencilArrayRFFT! container that can hold data of type T and Complex{T} associated to all the given Pencils.

The optional extra_dims argument is the same as for PencilArray.

See also ManyPencilArray
